My mind flash back the memory of 10 years ago. I was in school hostel for three years before I moved to other school. Yup! here's the start of this zikir munajat. At that time, zikir munajat was compulsary zikir that we should recite after Maghrib prayer while waiting for Isya' prayer.
That time, I and even others of my friends, we felt like lazy to recite zikir as we want to play and do something else after prayer. Alhamdulillah, this zikir be in my mind and my heart for three years I was in school hostel.
Ahh, sweet memories... re-appeared.. again, again and again...
Now, after 10 years, here I am, standing in different place, different moment, and lead to
different way of life....
But still, this zikir always in my heart, at the tip of my tongue....
still remember how to recite this zikir even though not all... but still...:)
Sigh! Wish that I could go back to the past time. Full with cheers, BFF, and all that sweet moments... HAHAHA..
and of course worry for nothing...!
NO more BOOKS, ASSIGNMENTS, REPORTS, bla bla bla ++++
hoho... what a life =D
But nevermind - past is past, now, it's time to move forward!
Go... run... catch your future.
Make it in your grasp. Don't let it go! :)
Fighting ~~~ DAEBAK!
- Zikir adalah salah satu cara yang boleh kita amalkan untuk menenangkan hati yang gundah gulana. Berserahlah kepadaNya. InsyaALLAH... :)
P/s: Laughter is the best medicine for all worrisome in this life :)