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Sunday, 18 November 2012

Please, Save Gaza's Children in Palestin!

I'm not sure what was really happened right now in Palestin. I keep wondering, why Israel must attacked Palestin? What was their right to do that despicable war to the other country? and the most bitter one was, why all muslim countries were not able to stand together and protected Palestinians?

Even thinking about those things make me sick! The questions keep playing on my head and make me sad, frustrated and pity with all those innocent children, women and Gaza's people.

Right now, let's just forget about religions, races or whatever barriers that stop us from united together as a human. The most important thing, right now, at this moment is stop all this madness from destroying innocent peoples's lives. Save the children, women and young man at there. They are not suppose to be in war. They should be happy with their family and not grieve at their dead beloved one! Please!!! I beg all the leaders out there. Arouse from your sleep. Open your eyes widely and upright the justice for Palestin and its people. Unless, you are all coward! Afraid with that bastard Israel, do you?

How much time do we need  in order to save those people. Do we need to wait until they were all killed and Palestin lost its land to Israel?

I beg all, in the name of humanity, peace and love, let's put an end to this vicious war! Don't let them be slaughtered like animals in their own country. Stop that bastard Israel, please!!!

How do you feel by looking at these pictures? Would you help them or just ignore? 


Please pray for them. May Allah give them strength, patience and rewards in Jannah.
May all the world united and help Palestine.
Freedom for Palestin!
Peace world!


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