The lecturer post this question on the e-learning for us to give our opinion. The question is "What model that we have discussed in this course do you feel can be best be used in your own classroom and why?"
I suppose to give my answer in the e-learn. But, I feel to share with someone the opinion of mine. :)
Dear Gucci,
Here is my answer.
From my point of view, I would say that Gagne's Nine Events is the perfect model that I feel can be best be used in my own classroom. However, it does not mean that the other models are not suitable. First and foremost, I will choose a model that I feel comfortable with clear explanation and easy to be used step-by-step. And that model is Gagne's Nine Events. :)
Robert Gagne is best known for his learning outcomes, learning conditions and his nine events of instruction. Gagne (1985) defined instruction as "the set of planned external events which influence the process of learning and thus promoting learning." Gagne's theory focused that different internal and external conditions are necessary for each type of learning. The external conditions are the things that the teacher arranges during instruction, while internal conditions are skills and capabilities that the learner has already mastered (Driscoll, 2000). Take one learning outcome for example, to learn new attitude, the learners must be exposed with a credible role model. In Gagne's view, effective instruction must reach beyond the traditional learning theories (behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism) and provide support to transition from simple to complex skills., thus using an hierarchical model for learning. Gagne's model promotes that there are five major categories of learning outcome which are verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, motor skills and attitudes. On the other hand, reading, quizzes, lectures, discussions and anything else that promote learning are called "events" of instruction.
Gagne's Nine Events provides the steps / events that I feel best to be applied in the classroom for effective learning. The events or steps are sequential with each other and it starts from the basic or simple to complex skills. The events of Gagne's model help me to adjust my lesson from easy to difficult one. This is a good point because in a class with 30 and above students for example, each student has different level of skills and learning styles. As an educator, I need to plan a lesson that able to suit student's individual needs. This is not an easy task and I believe, Gagne's model can be the best guide for me in planning a lesson. The good thing is because ASSURE model is part of Gagne's Events. As we know, ASSURE model is defined as a lesson plan designed and developed to create the most appropriate learning environment for the students. This ISD process is modified to integrate technology and media into the teaching and learning environment in regular classroom. As this model incorporated with Gagne's model, it complete Gagne's Nine Events to be the best model I can used in my classroom. Based on current situation, technology is considered important in education as we are now in 21st Century learning environment and the students are more to techno-savvy. Because of that, we need ASSURE model in planning a good lesson. However, like Dr. Amelia said during the lecture, we should remember that technology is just a tool and not a replacement of a teacher. Even if we don't have technology, the teacher still can teach the students with a good lesson. Gagne's Nine Events provides the steps that the teacher can applied in the classroom.
Look at the sequence of events of Gagne's model below:
Gagne's Nine Events starts with gaining attention before move to inform learner the objective, stimulate recall of prior learning, present information, provide guidance, elicit performance, provide feedback, assess performance and enhance retention and transfer the knowledge into the real-situation for example.
Bsically, the first and foremost step to do before starts a lesson is to capture the students' attention. This is what Gagne's model emphasised for. The first events of this model is gaining attention of the students. Various ways can be used by the teacher to attract their interest. Be it the short video clips, movies, songs, provoking questions or using realia things can be utised in the classroom in order to make the lesson more interesting and stimulate students' curiosity towards the topic. We should remember that curiosity will motivate the students to learn and be more focused in the classroom. During this event, we can applied together with ACSR model on how to effectively motivate the students with the lesson.
The second event is informing the learners the objectives of the lesson. This is very important process in the lesson plan. Telling the students the lesson's objectives make the students be more focused and have a clear comprehension on what they are going to learn. Besides that, this step will help the students to set their mind and know what they are expected to do during the process of learning. This will motivate the students to learn better. At the same time, set the objectives of the lesson will help the teacher to assess the students at the end of the lesson and also review how many percentage their objectives achieved on that day.
The third event is to stimulate recall of prior information or learning. This process will help the students to relate their prior knowledge with the new information. The lists go on with presenting the information by the teacher itself, providing guidance during the lesson, eliciting students' performance, providing feedback, assessing students' performance through post-test or summative assessment and the last one is enhancing retention and transferring the knowledge and skills to the job in real world.
Simply put. nine events of Gagne's model is a sequence of events in the process of learning in teaching a new skill/knowledge for the students. This model is the best model that I can use in my own classroom for effective learning without leaving out the other Prescriptive models like ADDIE, ASSURE and ARCS model. As an educator, we should know how and when to use these ISD model in our teaching and learning process. :)