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Hope you enjoy reading.

Friday, 29 June 2012

Happy Holiday!

This semester END here.
will continue the next semester on 

I guess this is it..
We always complaint about the workload
...assignment, report, test, presentation, camp, class...
But then, if we can arrange our time properly
all the workload, hardship will just END on time
just like TODAY

ahh, I feel good!!! 
Let's have fun and enjoy this holiday nicely
before we fight again with the next semester!!!

Happy semester break
happy holiday
happy resting

Manglish ( Malaysian English ) :)


This manglish term stand for Malay (malaysian) + English = Manglish
yup! this is a Malaysian speaking style,
the way we talk with our locals regardless of our races
either you are Malays, Chinese, Indians or so on...

always be proud to be part of this unique style of using English language
just in Malaysia only k
not available in other countries except for Singaporean
where they have Singlish ( Singapore + English )
yup! we do share similarities with them

but nevermind
we are different in our own way and style right! :)

Look at these examples

when we say:
Why you so boring?
what we actually means:
Why are you so bored.

when we say:
Please gostan your car!
what we actually mean:
Please reverse your car!

when we say:
Please pass up your paper after the class
what we actually mean:
Please hand in your paper after the class

when we say:
please give me the rubber
what we actually mean:
please give me the eraser

when we say:
The tyres have no flower
what we actually mean
The tyres are bald

when we say:
I just got saman for parking illegally
what we actually mean:
I just got fine for parking illegally

when we say:
Don't biggen the problem
what we actually means:
Don't exaggerate the problem

when we say:
Don't play play
what we actually mean:
Don't take it lightly

when we say:
I don't like her. She always act when they are other people around
what we actually mean:
I don't like her. She always shows off when they are other people around

Apart from these, we are also tend to use these words when we talk

1) lah = Don't be so shy lah!
2) meh = Really meh!
3) liao = No more food liao
4) ah = Is it true ah?
5) lor = Like that lor. 
6) got = Got or not? or
                            You got anything to do?
7) one = why is he so bad one ah?
8) nah = Nah, take this!
9) mah = He always behave like that mah.
10) can = can or not?
                  or sure can...

Manglish or English is better?
well, for me, I would say both are good to be adapted in our daily life
but the usage of the language must appropriate with the context and
where and when we have to use it

P/s: There's nothing to be ashamed about Manglish
 BUT don't ever STOP & GIVE UP to learn better English language

cheers! :)

Monday, 18 June 2012

Lirik lagu - Armada ~ Hargai Aku

Armada - Hargai Aku

seringkali kau merendahkan aku
melihat dengan sebelah matamu
aku bukan siap-siapa

selalu saja kau anggap ku lemah
merasa hebat dengan yang kau punya
kau sombongkan itu semua

coba kau lihat dirimu dahulu
sebelum kau nilai kurangnya diriku
apa salahnya hargai diriku
sebelum kau nilai siapa diriku

seringkali kau merendahkan ku 
(kau merendahkan ku)
melihat dengan sebelah matamu
aku bukan siap-siapa

coba kau lihat dirimu dahulu
sebelum kau nilai kurangnya diriku
apa salahnya hargai diriku
sebelum kau nilai siapa diriku

coba kau lihat dirimu dahulu
sebelum kau nilai kurangnya diriku
apa salahnya hargai diriku
sebelum kau nilai siapa diriku

p/s: Don't judge the book by its cover!

Bicara Kampus RTM1 - USM ( Matangkah mahasiswa berpolitik?)

Matangkah mahasiswa berpolitik?

hmm, an interesting topic to discuss with. 
Bertambah lah satu lagi pengalaman hidup aku - bicara kampus secara live
RTM1, Angkaspuri K.L. 
even jadi penonton je...heee

Perghh, memang semangat tol... dari Penang ke K.L
bertolak dari pagi sampai selamat pulang pun pagi balik heee
orang laen naek bus USM, kami 6 org - passenger yg terlebih nie naek van USM
orang azan subuh, kita baru turun bus hmmm...

Tapi even jadi penonton tersorok jew, at least,
segala benda belakang tabir sesuatu produksi tu kita boleh lihat dan alami sendiri
dan macam mana kru RTM handle satu2 program

lucu ada, amazed ada, semua perasaan bercampur-aduk
sebelum start program, kami audience memang dah kena alert
bila diorang suruh tepuk tangan, muka kena senyum (jgn muka ketat katanya lah :D ),
yg kne tanya soalan kena ready awal2, kena tukar tempat duduk bila diarah, 
tak leh tepuk tangan sambil buat bunyi uuuuuu.... hehhe
ni part yg kitorg selalu buat..
sebut je U.S.M. terus tepuk kuat2 sambil buat bunyi uuuuu
hahha.... kat T.V. xboleh ya
semua kena sopan, baik2 je (jurus! )

tapi kan, semalam tu, aku rasa audience yang terlebih nervous daripada ahli panel 
ye dop?? heee

Tajuk semalam pasal politik - ahli panel state dengan diorang punya pendapat 
mengatakan - mahasiswa-mahasiswi masih lagi belum matang utk berpolitik
dan mereka ini memerlukan masa utk dibentuk, dilentur, agar tidak tersilap idea
tersilap langkah dalam dunia politik
betul ke tak ea?
aku rasa semua orang ada pandangan masing2
dan betul atau tak, semua tu tergantung pada individu itu sendiri

...AUKU oh AUKU...

dah, sudah2, ko jangan nak melalut sal politik
belajar! dpat result bagus, kerja yg bagus, itu lagi bagus!
esok nak exam QMT323E nie, sedar2 la cikit yea =D

Nie gambar masa kat dalam RTM Angksapuri & studio, tengok sendiri le yea 

 pintu depan RTM, Angkasapuri

 Ruang sambut tetamu

the studio 

once again, the studio...

apa pun, satu pengalaman baru buat aku
even sebelum nie pernah ada pengalaman diinterview, masuk tv sih!
tapi yang ni memang berbeza

ape pun...cheers to my self & U.S.M fellows yg pergi
exam tetap exam, tapi bicara kampus tetap bicara kampus 
& yg penting dpt p makan angin kt K.L Mid Valley :)

Saturday, 16 June 2012

QMT 323E (Design & Development of Web Based Instruction) 2012 & Bicara Campus RTM

This coming Tuesday, 19 Jun 2012
be ready for QMT 323E!!!
(Design & Development of Web Based Instruction)
@ Reka Bentuk & Pembangunan Pengajaran Berasaskan Web

The good things about this course is
my beloved lecturer gave few tips for this paper :)

this paper will take 2 hours time and there will be two sections 
1. 20 objective questions about HTML
2. Essay (understanding & application types of questions)

so, focus topic here:

- web usability
- internet ethics and web security
- wikispaces
- web 2.0
- theory of taxonomy 
(need to read all notes also - just if shocking questions come out heee)

+ - X ÷ 
the exam will take 40 % + coursework 60 %

now, it's all depends to me
study for good result or regret forever.....
the problem is I'm quite lazy for these few days
tomorrow I will going to K.L..... 
HEEE....saje menggedik nak p

Prof Adnan Hussain
Venue: Studio RTM, Angkasapuri
yayy, masuk t.v. 
errr, perlu ke??? =D

inilah yang dikatakan "sambil menyelam, sambil minum air" kan
sambil2 ke program bicara, sambil2 mencuci mata kat K.L.
ke guana! hhehehehe...

xde arh, saje je, 
just to get some fun and the most important thing is release exam stress...
I need some space for myself
I think, at least this is a one way for me to relax for a bit
really hope so.... :)

P/s: this course, QMT 323E, had taught me lots of useful things about web
☀ million thanks to our beloved lecturer, Dr Rozinah, for her professional guidance 

if not because of this course 
how come I will know, experience and may be a half expert in

- prezi
- web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
- website evaluation
- e-learning
- Joomla
- html
- wikispaces
- Second Life 
( I really love this one)

really3 grateful for having multimedia interactive as my minor 
next semester da xperlu p PTPM, da abes belajar semua kursus minor =(
so,for the last exam of QMT...

chayook.....fighting....good . good . good . luck

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Doa pembuka apa yang tertutup dalam hidup kita

ingin ku kongsikan satu doa yg ku peroleh dengan semua
Semoga bermanfaat kepada yang memerlukan kekuatan dan semangat 
dalam dirinya ke arah yang lebih baik
 terutama diriku
AMIN! :)


Bagus diamalkan untuk.... 

1. Hati yang tertutup untuk amal soleh
2. Hati yang tertutup untuk melakukan amal jariah
3. Hati yang tertutup untuk menerima nasihat
4. Pintu rezeki yang dirasakan seperti tertutup
5. Minda @ akal yang dirasakan seperti tertutup
6. Hati yang tertutup untuk berkahwin

* juga doa pembuka jalan agar dipermudahkan bersalin :)

selamat beramal 

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

I Do, I Do - a new exciting korean drama 2012

I Do, I Do is a new korean drama in 2012
that all I can say
superb story! :)

I just finished watch episode 4, and the rest episode still in progress
huhu, have to wait lor....
aishhh, can't wait to see the next episode
I wonder what would Kang Tae reactions be when he know Hwang Ji An is pregnant to his child?
haha, they met accidentally and have first night accidentally too
it's all because of alcohol 
so guys, girls - don't ever touch that thing ( alcohol) or you too might end up like them :)

I love both lead actor and actress (Kim Sun Ah & Lee Jang Woo)
but honestly, I loved to see Hwang Ji An (Kim Sun Ah) with the doctor (Park Gun Hyung)
I think they look sweet together
arghh, confuse! heee

if you want to know further, here the synopsis of the drama

Hwang Ji An (Kim Sun Ah) is a successful mid 30's career woman (a Director in a big shoe company). she has a bright future with financially successful. However, she mistakenly spends a drunken night with a young male, Park Tae Kang (Lee Jang Woo) that she just met and knew him for a day. He used to be a counterfeit shoe peddler before he later became the shoe company new employer under Hwang Ji An. Since then, Hwang Ji An's life and career get thrown into chaos upon learning that she has pregnant with his child.

Meanwhile, her strongest rival, Yeom Na Ri (Im Soo Hyang), the daughter of that shoe company, takes the chance of the moment to overthrow her company position while she meets again with her old love, Dr. Jo Eun Sung (Park Gun Hyung) who later has became her Gynecologist.


Kim Sun Ah

Park Tae Kang ( Lee Jang Woo)

Jo Eun Sung ( Park Gun Hyung )

Yeom Na Ri ( Im Soo Hyang )

last but not least
arrrrrr....(let's scream louder together)

I'm jealous with Kim Sun Ah' shoes closet
wish I could get the same

Four of them 

I'm looking forward for this drama
hopefully the rest of the story would be much exciting 
heee, waiting patiently the ending of the story
I'm anticipating much with this drama :)

Fast speed last effort!

I got exam fever!!!
let me rest, relax, enjoy my day freely please

ape pun, alhamdulillah
1 paper down and the next target 
15 JUN 2012

This is what I'm supposed to study and revise back:

1. Reflection and CPD
2. Cooperative learning
3. Task-based instruction
4. Teaching reading
5. Teaching grammar
6. Teaching writing
7. Teaching listening
8. Teaching speaking
9. Using media and technology
10. Using social networking tools 
11. Course assessment


Monday, 11 June 2012

be creative, be positive - you have the talents!

we realize or not
there are 8 multiple intelligence
( as far as we know)

we own some of these intelligence
some people are just very creative
ahhh, jealous!!! 


before that, just FYI
I do not own these picture
but I like to share these amazing talents with all
hope we can get something from these
errr, perhaps creative thinking?
or some ideas to start a craft business?
well, the choice
is in your hands!

For those who has kids
this is your one way to enhance their critical thinking
& creative skills
open up their thinking cap

or perhaps...
to spend your precious time with them a bit?

no words

oh hati
don't be sad
don't let me down 
for the second time

I wanna cry
but I can't
I've to stay strong
I've to...

don't give up!
don't give up!
don't you ever GIVE UP!

you have to be strong

If you fall
then stand again!

fight for your dream

don't give up

I pray

tomorrow will be better than today

ALLAH did not promise:
days without pain,
laughter without sorrow,
sun without rain.

but HE did promise:
strength for the day
comfort for the tears
and light for our ways

"ALLAH did not promise that life would be easy
HE did promise to go with you...
every step of your life with HIM by your side"

I place my hand on my heart
say to myself
I keep my faith on ALLAH!

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Exam fever starts....

PPIP, DK Z, BT 151

❁ ☀

PET 301
Teaching of English Through Literature
Sem 2 / 2011/12
1st paper


♫ ❤ (。◕‿◕。) ツ ☆

all the best yaww
be the BEST, beat the REST 

P/s: Honestly, I hate EXAM! =D

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Apple of my eyes

my sweetheart niece
the most beautiful girl in my heart

may you always live in happiness, under barkah ALLAH swt
be a good girl and be a successful person one day
I'm always on your side, dear :)

if there is a little girl there must be a little boy too
my dearest nephew
Syazwani's big brother, Syazlan

both of you are always here 

Inspirasi hidup

Jangan mengalah sebelum berjuang
tanamkan azam
tetapkan tekad
teruskan usaha
pasti berjaya


keep on moving
never GIVE UP!

cute naughty cat

This is Miemiecha :)

She just with me not even a half day...
see yourself!!!
very naughty, cute, manja sangatttt....  ♥ ♥ ♥

Miemiecha! miemiecha!
grrrr.....cute right!


p/s: may you always in happiness, healthy, and always be cute, 
wherever you are, miemiecha! 

Friday, 8 June 2012

Best Friends

Happy National Best Friends Day! 
❤ (。◕‿◕。)

                                                                                          credit to fb: snoopy

Regardless of who you are and what you have been, if you are truly friend, 
then you deserve all this complement. 

To all friends out there, thanks for being a friend and always be on my side whenever I need you.