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Saturday, 16 June 2012

QMT 323E (Design & Development of Web Based Instruction) 2012 & Bicara Campus RTM

This coming Tuesday, 19 Jun 2012
be ready for QMT 323E!!!
(Design & Development of Web Based Instruction)
@ Reka Bentuk & Pembangunan Pengajaran Berasaskan Web

The good things about this course is
my beloved lecturer gave few tips for this paper :)

this paper will take 2 hours time and there will be two sections 
1. 20 objective questions about HTML
2. Essay (understanding & application types of questions)

so, focus topic here:

- web usability
- internet ethics and web security
- wikispaces
- web 2.0
- theory of taxonomy 
(need to read all notes also - just if shocking questions come out heee)

+ - X ÷ 
the exam will take 40 % + coursework 60 %

now, it's all depends to me
study for good result or regret forever.....
the problem is I'm quite lazy for these few days
tomorrow I will going to K.L..... 
HEEE....saje menggedik nak p

Prof Adnan Hussain
Venue: Studio RTM, Angkasapuri
yayy, masuk t.v. 
errr, perlu ke??? =D

inilah yang dikatakan "sambil menyelam, sambil minum air" kan
sambil2 ke program bicara, sambil2 mencuci mata kat K.L.
ke guana! hhehehehe...

xde arh, saje je, 
just to get some fun and the most important thing is release exam stress...
I need some space for myself
I think, at least this is a one way for me to relax for a bit
really hope so.... :)

P/s: this course, QMT 323E, had taught me lots of useful things about web
☀ million thanks to our beloved lecturer, Dr Rozinah, for her professional guidance 

if not because of this course 
how come I will know, experience and may be a half expert in

- prezi
- web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
- website evaluation
- e-learning
- Joomla
- html
- wikispaces
- Second Life 
( I really love this one)

really3 grateful for having multimedia interactive as my minor 
next semester da xperlu p PTPM, da abes belajar semua kursus minor =(
so,for the last exam of QMT...

chayook.....fighting....good . good . good . luck


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