If laughter is the best medicine, then I guess forgiveness is the best remedy for the trouble heart. To forgive someone is the hardest thing to do. So as sorry seems to be the hardest word to say. It's very difficult to forgive someone especially those who had made us suffer mentally or physically. We want grudge, until we forget to think the word "forgive". Why is that? Simple answer but true, ego. We are egoist person and we think that we are always right. We think we are good enough and the perfect creature in this world. Seems like we are never cursing, gossiping, bad-mouthing others, etc. We are too egoist to admit the fact that we are also sometimes made mistakes and there were times where we hurt others feeling same like they did to us. This is life. Fair and square.
Am I a trouble maker? I admit that I'm not perfect. But please do understand me sometimes and don't ever think that you are always right. If I have problems or those problems give a damn to me, I wish you would give me some time to think so that I can comfort my broken heart. I need that damn time to soothe my haywire minds. If you push me, then I don't think I can hold back my patience much longer than I suppose to. Why is that? Because I am not that perfect. I do have my own bad side in my heart and soul.
Humans are always like that. We are never PERFECT! Full stop.
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