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Hope you enjoy reading.

Thursday, 20 December 2012


Almost 4 years or approximately 3 and half year of university life, at last the journey is coming to the end. The last part of responsibility in this journey is the practical time of all the knowledge and skills that I have collected and compiled together in my body and soul, waiting for the real call of real action in the real world. :)

And the most happiest yet saddest thing is no more piles of works and streams of obligations as a university student of one of the greatest higher institution in Malaysia. Proud to be part of life - U.S.M - Yeah, true but need to burn the midnight oil because of procrastination of assignments, presentations, movies making and classes at the eleventh hour! - DK Z, BT, DK Foyer, library "Sendut", computer lab, pigeon hall, cafe siswa, padang kawat, PTPM, Canselori, Dewan Budaya, Dataran Bintang, Anjung Semarak, IK, SK, Kpkt, Nasi Kandar Subaidah, Pusat Sejahtera, HEP, Bendahari, Kedai Mahasiswa, U-Shop, Minden, Sollat, DTSP, Eureka, mosque, Red, Blue, Purple Bus, office, R.S.T (Restu Saujana Tekun)....and the list still goes on....buried deep in my memory -  short and long term of memory - If I could turn back time....but times wait for no one...and life must goes on.... I perceive all of these as blessing in disguise. The journey is truly painstaking but eventually, things will start to brighten up since the magnificent future waits in front....for the greatest journey ever.

During this unforgettable years, I am really grateful and count my blessing as I have the best teamwork accompanied my journey in sweet and sad mementoes - the bittersweet life of mine, only mine :) Thank you coursemates, arigato friends, xie xie sisters, kamsahamnida BFF.... Let's paint the greatest canvas ever and keep shining the others with our sparkling spirit and dream. Let's build the better world for our children, grandchildren and grandchildren's children....

Fighting, teachers! ♥ saranghaeyo  

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Top Secret a.k.a The Billionaire :)

Have you watch this movie? 
The Billionaire, also known as Top Secret: Wai Roon Pan Lan.

 This is Thai biographical film and was released on October 2011. The Billionaire tells the story of Aitthipat Kulapongvanich and how he, at the age of nineteen, dropped out from university to launch a packaged fried seaweed business that is now Taokaenoi Food & Marketing and became one of Thailand's youngest (baht) billionaires. The film was  grossed 38,796,264 baht. (wikipedia)

I just found about this aspiring movie in 2012! Can't believe it. Luckily we have Youtube. :)

This film was really great, amazing and highly aspiring others especially me! :) Love the story line. Oh, yeah, I forgot.....This is a biographical film of one of the youngest billionaires in Thailand. He is amazing person. I really admired his spirit and perseverance. 

I google about this great young man and this is what wikipedia said,

Aitthipat Kulapongvanish is most well known for his product Tao Kae Noi, a fried seaweed snack, which is sold around the Asia-Pacific area.As a young man, Kulapongvanich gained success at playing online games and winning tournament prizes. He invested his money into selling fried chestnuts, which became popular in Thailand. With this financial backing, he went on to create the product of packaged deep fried flavored seaweed, which quickly became successful in Thailand, and was exported to JapanTaiwanSingapore, and the United States.

Amazing, right?

How can someone at the age of 19 can think like him? Well, we have some others out there, but it really rare. This is one example of a lucky and great young man. In 2011, when the film released, he was 26 years old. And now in 2012, he is 27 years old. Mature man already heee :)

Oh, something interesting about his life is he addicted with online gaming and he hated school. Oh, no! Don't follow this bad one. If we want to be a successful person in future, we can make it through education. Trust me! But then, he has the skills - gaming skill and good business sense. That's why he can success in his life. And most important is he never give up and he keep his faith on what he believe. 

I hope I can emulate her spirit, perseverance, great thinking with positive-mind and most important is he never GIVE UP!...even if he fall 100 times, he surely will stand up again and fight for her dream and what he believe he can achieve. Really aspiring man. I hope many more can watch this great movie and emulate this young man life.     

For those out there and for me, this is what this great guy believe;

"Do not lose your courage no matter what. 
Because if we give up, game is over" 

The poster of the film.

 Aitthipat Kulapongvanish

The picture of that aspiring man and his Tao Kae Noi seaweed snack :)

P/S: Everyone can be a success person. Not just in business like this young man, but also in other fields. Look at Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs etc. All successful people in this world had gone through failures and hardships before becoming a successful person. Because of that, you and I can do it too. We can create our own  story and who we want to be in the future. The pen is in our hand (and faith to God Al Mighty). Fighting!

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Procrastinate again, again and again!

I love procrastinate my work until the last minute before I started throw tantrum and lost my mind for awhile because I have streams of obligations and piles of works on my head, yeah! :)
Oh, please! Don't do that anymore. Say no to PROCRASTINATION!

After I finish pen down my thought for today's entry, I hope I could change to a BETTER human. Be someone that diligent, ambitious and success. Pray, pray and pray for the changes :)

Reminder to myself: 
You have big responsibility to fulfil next year. 
So, be early prepared!


Question: How do you spell LOVE?
Answer: You don't spell it. You feel it :) 

Chaotic heart...

It is not easy to understand other person's mind. We do have similarities but we are actually very different in every single ways. Each of us possesses our own thinking, interests and life styles. That is why we humans are unique and special. :)

I hope I can understand some of this kind of people. But, I am afraid that I will not able to fully accepted the way they act in our friendship. I know and I accept the fact that we are different in every single ways. However, as an ordinary and humble human, I sometimes would feel a little bit upset plus mad if something  bad happen especially if their act tortured my mind and feelings. I told myself again and again that I deserved to get something better than what I received before. 

Life is not as easy as in our dreamland. Period!

Guys, girls! Come on...
Enjoy your young and sweet age. No second chance if we miss this moment. But yeah, education come first before the others. Just go out and enjoy this life. Before I close my eyes, I want create as many memories as I could as sweet mementoes in my life. 

Can you help me fulfil my dream?

Friday, 7 December 2012

My undrstanding towards Gagne's Nine Events :)


The lecturer post this question on the e-learning for us to give our opinion. The question is "What model that we have discussed in this course do you feel can be best be used in your own classroom and why?"

I suppose to give my answer in the e-learn. But, I feel to share with someone the opinion of mine.  :)

Dear Gucci,

Here is my answer.

From my point of view, I would say that Gagne's Nine Events is the perfect model that I feel can be best be used in my own classroom. However, it does not mean that the other models are not suitable. First and foremost, I will choose a model that I feel comfortable with clear explanation and easy to be used step-by-step. And that model is Gagne's Nine Events. :)

Robert Gagne  is best known for his learning outcomes, learning conditions and his nine events of instruction. Gagne (1985) defined instruction as "the set of planned external events which influence the process of learning and thus promoting learning." Gagne's theory focused that different internal and external conditions are necessary for each type of learning. The external conditions are the things that the teacher arranges during instruction, while internal conditions are skills and capabilities that the learner has already mastered (Driscoll, 2000).  Take one learning outcome for example, to learn new attitude, the learners must be exposed with a credible role model. In Gagne's view, effective instruction must reach beyond the traditional learning theories (behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism) and provide support to transition from simple to complex skills., thus using an hierarchical model for learning. Gagne's model promotes that there are five major categories of learning outcome which are verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, motor skills and attitudes. On the other hand, reading, quizzes, lectures, discussions and anything else that promote learning are called "events" of instruction.

Gagne's Nine Events provides the steps / events that I feel best to be applied in the classroom for effective learning. The events or steps are sequential with each other and it starts from the basic or simple to complex skills. The events of Gagne's model help me to adjust my lesson from easy to difficult one. This is a good point because in a class with 30 and above students for example, each student has different level of skills and learning styles. As an educator, I need to plan a lesson that able to suit student's individual needs. This is not an easy task and I believe, Gagne's model can be the best guide for me in planning a lesson. The good thing is because ASSURE model is part of Gagne's Events. As we know, ASSURE model is defined as a lesson plan designed and developed to create the most appropriate learning environment for the students. This ISD process is modified to integrate technology and media into the teaching and learning environment in regular classroom. As this model incorporated with Gagne's model, it complete Gagne's Nine Events to be the best model I can used in my classroom. Based on current situation, technology is considered important in education as we are now in 21st Century learning environment and the students are more to techno-savvy. Because of that, we need ASSURE model in planning a good lesson. However, like Dr. Amelia said during the lecture, we should remember that technology is just a tool and not a replacement of a teacher. Even if we don't have technology, the teacher still can teach the students with a good lesson. Gagne's Nine Events provides the steps that the teacher can applied in the classroom.

Look at the sequence of events of Gagne's model below:

Gagne's Nine Events starts with gaining attention before move to inform learner the objective, stimulate recall of prior learning, present information, provide guidance, elicit performance, provide feedback, assess performance and enhance retention and transfer the knowledge into the real-situation for example.

Bsically, the first and foremost step to do before starts a lesson is to capture the students' attention. This is what Gagne's model emphasised for. The first events of this model is gaining attention of the students. Various ways can be used by the teacher to attract their interest. Be it the short video clips, movies, songs, provoking questions or using realia things can be utised in the classroom in order to make the lesson more interesting and stimulate students' curiosity towards the topic. We should remember that curiosity will motivate the students to learn and be more focused in the classroom. During this event, we can applied together with ACSR model on how to effectively motivate the students with the lesson.

The second event is informing the learners the objectives of the lesson. This is very important process in the lesson plan. Telling the students the lesson's objectives make the students be more focused and have a clear comprehension on what they are going to learn. Besides that, this step will help the students to set their mind and know what they are expected to do during the process of learning. This will motivate the students to learn better. At the same time, set the objectives of the lesson will help the teacher to assess the students at the end of the lesson and also review how many percentage their objectives achieved on that day.

The third event is to stimulate recall of prior information or learning. This process will help the students to relate their prior knowledge with the new information. The lists go on with presenting the information by the teacher itself, providing guidance during the lesson, eliciting students' performance, providing feedback, assessing students' performance through post-test or summative assessment and the last one is enhancing retention and transferring the knowledge and skills to the job in real world.

Simply put. nine events of Gagne's model is a sequence of events in the process of learning in teaching a new skill/knowledge for the students. This model is the best model that I can use in my own classroom for effective learning without leaving out the other Prescriptive models like ADDIE, ASSURE and ARCS model. As an educator, we should know how and when to use these ISD model in our teaching and learning process.  :)

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Basic PC Shortcut Keys

Basic PC shortcut keys (#copypaste#)

I'm really bad in memorizing the PC shortcut keys. Every time I need to copy and paste something manually, I will look up on "Google" and from time to time, I keep reminding myself to at least remember the shortcut keys of copy and paste.  :)

Yeah! Good move for me. Now, start to memorise the list of basic PC shortcut keys below. Fighting! *@@*

Shortcut KeysDescription
Alt + FFile menu options in current program.
Alt + EEdit options in current program
F1Universal Help in almost every Windows program.
Ctrl + ASelect all text.
Ctrl + XCut selected item.
Shift + DelCut selected item.
Ctrl + CCopy selected item.
Ctrl + InsCopy selected item
Ctrl + VPaste
Shift + InsPaste
Ctrl + PPrint the current page or document.
HomeGoes to beginning of current line.
Ctrl + HomeGoes to beginning of document.
EndGoes to end of current line.
Ctrl + EndGoes to end of document.
Shift + HomeHighlights from current position to beginning of line.
Shift + EndHighlights from current position to end of line.
Ctrl + Left arrowMoves one word to the left at a time.
Ctrl + Right arrowMoves one word to the right at a time.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Me, sad :(

Some people are very lucky in their lives and some are not that much. 
Good for those who are very lucky. But what about those who are not? What are they suppose to do with their lives? Is it fair?

Sorry, I don't know what I'm mumbling about right now. But, I need a little space to vomit all my sadness in my heart. May I? 

I'm feeling quite down right now. I keep wondering why I need to go through all these sadness? Why I am not that lucky one? Is something wrong with me or my life? Gucci! I super hate my fate at this moment. Why???? 

Inside, deep down in my heart said that I must be strong. 
I shouldn't react like this is the end of my life. No! It's not over yet. I still have to move on with my life. I must not give up. Be strong, my dear! But, my heart is really really broken. I feel really sad, full with hatred. My feelings don't allow me to think positive. 
It weakens me deep inside....My heart doesn't want to listen to my mind. 
You tell me, what am I supposed to do? :(

I really hope for some magic to take out my broken heart and replace it with a new pure heart. Can it be? No, right. Ya ALLAH, lend me your strength for a while. I need you beside me. I have faith in you. YOU will never ever ever leave me alone and I know there is huge happiness beside all this sadness, for me. Please don't let me down. 

Dear me,
Be strong, think positive! Remember that this is not the end of your life. Smile sweetly and smile brightly. :) You are special, my dear. This is your life. You decide, happiness or sadness. It's in your hand. Fighting!  


Friday, 30 November 2012

♥ Congratulations HaHa & Byul on Your Wedding! Running Man For Ever!

Congratulations Haha@ Haroro@ Pororo on your wedding with Byul. Now you're a married man so you cannot be a Playboy Haha anymore :) I will miss your character in Running Man. I guess all Running Man Fans would feel the same heee

At last, you leave your Kim Jong Kook @ Kookie Hyung alone. So, I guess after this, it's time for Kookie to choose his bride and getting married for real. Oh, perhaps Yoon Eun Hye :)

No matter what, you look awesome with Byul. You guys are match made in Heaven! May you all lived happily ever after till the end of the breath.


congrats HaHa & Byul

their invitation card - cuteee...

How to Trace Your Mobile Phone If You Lose it?

Here the answer. I just found out this matter and I think everyone should know about it. In case it happen, at least you have an alternative way to trace your mobile phone. Whether you will get the phone back or not, is not the point here. Better do something than just waiting or crying, right!

Keep the 15 digit numbers shown on your mobile with you. Once your phone lost, then send the numbers to the email above. In other words, be prepared! :)

Thursday, 29 November 2012

L.M :)

The list has already come out. We can check it on the notice board at the office. Now, the rest of my life will keep continue....

I always asking myself, "Am I ready for this?" "Am I fully prepared to face my future?". Obviously, I don't have the answers, yet. All I know is I must work harder than I was before and the rest will be better than I expect it will be. I can do it! Fighting! :)

Reminder for myself: Don't keep thinking of your future's fate. No matter how much you try to create yours, remember that HIS fate is much better than yours


Chest Pain :(

Chest pain. That was the most terrifying experience I ever had after tooth ache. It's horrible and one of my worst nightmare in my life. I hope it wouldn't happen again. No more second time! Ask any one who has experience intense chest pain and they will vouch for the fact that it was the most frightening moment in their life. Me too!

Recall back that horrible night, I thought I'm gonna die. I can't sleep for half of night as I kept wake up from my sleep due to the discomfort in my heart. I felt like someone had sat on my chest while I slept. I also sweat a bit and felt really cold that I had to wear sweater. To make it more worse, the time passed too slow. Every 1 minute was kind of 30 mins as usual. I prayed time pass quickly and the morning came faster as I really determine to see the doctor and get some painkiller or whatever pills to stop my pain.

Could it be heart problem? Oh, please, no,no and no. I'm still young and healthy. Well, at least I guess so. So far, my body is still in a good condition.

I look up on Internet regarding chest pain and I found out some interesting facts that I would like to share here. Luckily, not all chest pain refer to heart problem. Sometimes, other factors also can bring discomfort to our chest.

According to this website,
chest pain may be a sign of a heart attack. However, there are other causes of chest pain including indigestion and muscle strain.

Other common cause of chest pain:
- indigestion or stomach acid coming up the oesophagus because of smoking, alcohol, coffee, fatty food and some drugs. ( relieve it with antacid or milk)
- chest muscle strains
- inflammation in the rib joints near the breastbone
- herpes zoster or shingles

I guess in my case, may be because of indigestion. No matter what, after this I will be more careful in choosing my meal and I will take good care of health. Sometimes it's okay to be a bit choosy for our sake. Now I realize the value of healthy heart. I guess that chest pain experience was my best teacher after all :)

Ajari aku - Anuar Zain

Ajari aku tuk bisa
Menjadi yang engkau cinta
Agar ku bisa memiliki rasa 
Yang luar biasa untukku dan dan untukmu

Ku harap engkau mengerti
Akan semua yang ku pinta
Kerna kau cahaya hidupku malamku
Tuk terangi jalan ku yang berliku


Hanya engkau yang biasa
Hanya engkau yang tahu
Hanya engkau yang mengerti
Semua inginku

Ajari aku untuk bisa mencintaimu 2x (female voice)

Mungkinkah semua akan terjadi pada diriku
Hanya engkau yang bisa mencintaiku

Hanya engkau yang bisa
Hanya engkau yang tahu
Hanya engkau yang mengerti
Semua inginku

Ajari aku tuk bisa mencintaimu :)

P/s: Ajari aku untuk mencintaimu! Ahh, I'm falling in LOVE.....saranghae 

Sunday, 25 November 2012

This is it!

Finally, today is the day. Wish me good luck and I hope I can give my best - for me and for all. I have a strong faith with HIM as I believe HE will never let me down. :)

I pray for the best of luck, mission success and everything is going well. ALL IZ WELL!


Petua Senang Hati :)

Hati sedih dan gundah gulana?
Jangan bimbang, ada ubatnya :)

Petua untuk senang hati

Petua Imam Syafie Untuk Keberkatan Hidup

Moga bermanfaat untuk diriku dan semuanya :)

Doa Rasulullah saw dalam Memohon 4 Perkara Kebaikan

Doa Rasulullah saw untuk memohon 4 perkara kebaikan
( ilmu, berlapang dada, ketakwaan dan kesihatan)

Kelebihan Ayat Kursi

p/s: sharing is caring! :)

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Please, Save Gaza's Children in Palestin!

I'm not sure what was really happened right now in Palestin. I keep wondering, why Israel must attacked Palestin? What was their right to do that despicable war to the other country? and the most bitter one was, why all muslim countries were not able to stand together and protected Palestinians?

Even thinking about those things make me sick! The questions keep playing on my head and make me sad, frustrated and pity with all those innocent children, women and Gaza's people.

Right now, let's just forget about religions, races or whatever barriers that stop us from united together as a human. The most important thing, right now, at this moment is stop all this madness from destroying innocent peoples's lives. Save the children, women and young man at there. They are not suppose to be in war. They should be happy with their family and not grieve at their dead beloved one! Please!!! I beg all the leaders out there. Arouse from your sleep. Open your eyes widely and upright the justice for Palestin and its people. Unless, you are all coward! Afraid with that bastard Israel, do you?

How much time do we need  in order to save those people. Do we need to wait until they were all killed and Palestin lost its land to Israel?

I beg all, in the name of humanity, peace and love, let's put an end to this vicious war! Don't let them be slaughtered like animals in their own country. Stop that bastard Israel, please!!!

How do you feel by looking at these pictures? Would you help them or just ignore? 


Please pray for them. May Allah give them strength, patience and rewards in Jannah.
May all the world united and help Palestine.
Freedom for Palestin!
Peace world!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Because of You - Kelly Clarkson

                                                                 "Because Of You"

I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself
Cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did,
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way
To never let it get that far

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I watched you die
I heard you cry every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry in the middle of the night
For the same damn thing

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I try my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid

Because of you
Because of you



Many years past, but still, I love this song!
Because of you.......

Monday, 5 November 2012

English time - an Oxymoron

What is oxymoron?

An oxymoron is usually made up of two words that do not together or contradict each other in meaning but are used together.

The words oxy and moron are both in Greek which mean sharp and dull respectively. Thus, the word oxymoron itself an oxymoron.

Funny English!

Other examples: bitter sweet, genuine imitation, open secret, deafening silence and working vacation.

Doa Menghilangkan Sifat lupa

A doa to hinder from forgetfulness
May has benefit to us

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Why I Proud to be Kelantanese?

If someone ask me, Why I so proud to be Kelantenese?

Here's my simple & short answers.

In Kelantan, we don't care what religions and races you are. We just know that we are Kelantanese which we called as 'oghe kito'. We befriend like we are brothers and sisters and we respect each other. You eat budu, I eat budu. You eat petai, I eat petai. You eat nasi kerabu, I eat nasi kerabu. And the most important thing is, we speak in one dialect, Kelate, whenever and wherever we are!

There is no words could I use to display my heart. No matter what happen in future, I hold my belief to my state tightly.

Sincerely yours,

Eid Al-Adha Mubarak.
26 October 2012
10 Zulhijjah 1433

P/s: Jangan makan daging lembu banyak2, kang naik darah tinggi xtau!

Cute & Amazing Animals @ Pets

cute kittens! Nak satu pleasee...

dream for freedom

erm! what are you doing cutie?

Baby panda :)

Naughty! hoho

love love love!


credit goes to Google, heee

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Indonesian Cultural Night, USM

Guys! Last night event, Indonesian Cultural Night, was amazing. I think I made a good decision by attending this event. There were lots of interesting performance presented for us. And as one of the audience, and I'm a Malaysian (proud to be Malaysian), so I think that event was fantastic, colourful and I came back with a big smile on my face J

All I can say last night was a perfect night for this week. HEEEE.... At least I don’t have to face another boring night - watching movies, facebooking, free downloading bla...blaaa... Many thanks with all the performances, singing band and both the emcees that night. Just to share a few, I'm quite interested with the "mask dance", "Saman dance" and also the band that played musical instruments especially the one that made from bamboo, Angklung. Wonderful melodies with amazing talents. You guys made my day!

Frankly speaking,I do not know much about our neighbour, Indonesia. As I know, Indonesia has a big population with millions of residents, that big komodo, Borobudur Watt, Bali island, Lombok (this place is quiet famous among us because of certain reason) and not forget, SINETRON =D So, this event was good enough to share their unique cultures and wonderful places with the outside world. Two thumbs for the organizer.

Malaysia and Indonesia, I think because we are neighbours, so that why we shared lots of similar things. During the performances, I found that some of the dances or the costume was quite similar with the people from Sabah and Sarawak. Ouch! how can I forget that S & S were neighboured with Kalimantan...he3...Even that Saman Dance, originally from Acheh, Sumatra, I think it's quite similar in a certain ways with the Dikir Barat from Kelantan. May be I'm wrong BUT can be right also :) Whatever it is, but yeah, as a human being, we do shared similarities with each other even though we are separated with Laut China Selatan etc.

Do enjoys a few pictures of them! Sorry for the bad quality. :)

Hy, hey! I'm not finish yet. Do come and visit our beautiful Malaysia too! You will find lots of interesting places, with varieties of foods and our unique cultures with different races. Yup! that right. Our Malaysia has different races ( Malay, Chinese, Indian and our family from Sabah & Sarawak), different religions and cultures AND most important is we live in harmony and respect each others as a big family. 

P/s: Don't forget to visit Kelantan aka Negeri Cik Siti Wan Kembang aka Negeri Serambi Mekah :)

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

9 simple steps to DEFEND ourselves!

We do not know when and where the danger will approach us
criminals are multiplying,
bad guys are everywhere,
no matter who they are or how close they are with us
don't trust them easily 
always be careful and aware with your surrounding.

Here are 9 steps that need to be remember when we are facing with a bad guy
(take note, alone!)

Good luck!

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Punctuation is powerful!


the power of punctuation!

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Monday, 24 September 2012

Doa pembuka rezeki

Sebagai seorang hamba yang lemah
Insya Allah, rezeki ada di mana-mana :)

...kutitipkan pesanan ini bukan saja untuk semua
tapi juga untuk diriku sendiri...

Friday, 29 June 2012

Happy Holiday!

This semester END here.
will continue the next semester on 

I guess this is it..
We always complaint about the workload
...assignment, report, test, presentation, camp, class...
But then, if we can arrange our time properly
all the workload, hardship will just END on time
just like TODAY

ahh, I feel good!!! 
Let's have fun and enjoy this holiday nicely
before we fight again with the next semester!!!

Happy semester break
happy holiday
happy resting

Manglish ( Malaysian English ) :)


This manglish term stand for Malay (malaysian) + English = Manglish
yup! this is a Malaysian speaking style,
the way we talk with our locals regardless of our races
either you are Malays, Chinese, Indians or so on...

always be proud to be part of this unique style of using English language
just in Malaysia only k
not available in other countries except for Singaporean
where they have Singlish ( Singapore + English )
yup! we do share similarities with them

but nevermind
we are different in our own way and style right! :)

Look at these examples

when we say:
Why you so boring?
what we actually means:
Why are you so bored.

when we say:
Please gostan your car!
what we actually mean:
Please reverse your car!

when we say:
Please pass up your paper after the class
what we actually mean:
Please hand in your paper after the class

when we say:
please give me the rubber
what we actually mean:
please give me the eraser

when we say:
The tyres have no flower
what we actually mean
The tyres are bald

when we say:
I just got saman for parking illegally
what we actually mean:
I just got fine for parking illegally

when we say:
Don't biggen the problem
what we actually means:
Don't exaggerate the problem

when we say:
Don't play play
what we actually mean:
Don't take it lightly

when we say:
I don't like her. She always act when they are other people around
what we actually mean:
I don't like her. She always shows off when they are other people around

Apart from these, we are also tend to use these words when we talk

1) lah = Don't be so shy lah!
2) meh = Really meh!
3) liao = No more food liao
4) ah = Is it true ah?
5) lor = Like that lor. 
6) got = Got or not? or
                            You got anything to do?
7) one = why is he so bad one ah?
8) nah = Nah, take this!
9) mah = He always behave like that mah.
10) can = can or not?
                  or sure can...

Manglish or English is better?
well, for me, I would say both are good to be adapted in our daily life
but the usage of the language must appropriate with the context and
where and when we have to use it

P/s: There's nothing to be ashamed about Manglish
 BUT don't ever STOP & GIVE UP to learn better English language

cheers! :)

Monday, 18 June 2012

Lirik lagu - Armada ~ Hargai Aku

Armada - Hargai Aku

seringkali kau merendahkan aku
melihat dengan sebelah matamu
aku bukan siap-siapa

selalu saja kau anggap ku lemah
merasa hebat dengan yang kau punya
kau sombongkan itu semua

coba kau lihat dirimu dahulu
sebelum kau nilai kurangnya diriku
apa salahnya hargai diriku
sebelum kau nilai siapa diriku

seringkali kau merendahkan ku 
(kau merendahkan ku)
melihat dengan sebelah matamu
aku bukan siap-siapa

coba kau lihat dirimu dahulu
sebelum kau nilai kurangnya diriku
apa salahnya hargai diriku
sebelum kau nilai siapa diriku

coba kau lihat dirimu dahulu
sebelum kau nilai kurangnya diriku
apa salahnya hargai diriku
sebelum kau nilai siapa diriku

p/s: Don't judge the book by its cover!